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Lots of books.

  • updates | caffeine (the only thing keeping me upright these days), clothes, and kibble

    Did I disappear again on accident? Yes. Do I know how to keep a regular publishing/blogging schedule? Um…no? Weekly blogs might be a touch too difficult for me, since I’d rather expend this energy on other creative endeavors. But bi-weekly or monthly blogs/vlogs might be okay. Let’s try that for a while. In the meantime,… Read more

  • 10/365 | trilogy plotting

    Well, I’m fully diving into my weird fiction trilogy. Wish me luck! As you saw last week, I’ve dubbed it “Project Tentacle.” I haven’t planned any tentacles in it quite yet, but I’m sure at least one of the monsters/elder gods will have some. I normally have problems sticking with long-form fiction because I get… Read more

  • 8/365 | empty notebooks and flash fiction stories

    This is an actual conversation I had with a non-writer friend the other day. ME: Look at these beautiful notebooks! A friend gave them to me a couple of years ago and I wanted to use them but they’re too pretty. So I might try to recreate them and then write in those. NWF: Why… Read more

  • “vlog and blog sound the same”

    The quote is from a Mikey Bustos joke from his Filipino Accent Tutorial video, by the way. It is a joke that Husbando and I make often. Anyway, today I just wanted to post a few really short videos. I’ve been vlogging again recently but since I’m still getting used to it, I’m not posting… Read more

  • Oops!… I–Almost made a 2000’s pop reference

    Yeah, I did it again (I had to finish it, sorrynotsorry). I forgot all about updating my website like a good, self-respecting word-slinger. A lot of things have happened in the past year, but I won’t do the boring recap thing. Maybe I should just do the quick tumblr version? #alsodidnotvlog #finishedwritingabook #stoppedusingsocialmedia #existentialcrisis #newtouscar… Read more

  • weekly vlog | write with me #1

    Hellllloooooooooo! This week’s video is a “write with me” video (complete with a ‘heart attack’ moment at the end so don’t have your volume up too loud, lol). I haven’t been recording as much footage these days because I seem to have worked myself into a routine/rut. I wake up. I go to work. I… Read more